The Tao of Jeet Kune Do By Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee is a name that will undoubtedly need no introduction to any of my readers: best known for the four “canon” films he starred in during the early 1970s, […]
Bruce Lee is a name that will undoubtedly need no introduction to any of my readers: best known for the four “canon” films he starred in during the early 1970s, […]
As the title implies, this article will teach you how to do a one-armed handstand pushup (Gradually, of course, you’re going to have to put in a lot of work). […]
In actuality, the meaning of this article can be taken to mean “stop buying useless stuff you don’t need and live a lifestyle of reduced material possessions”, but I decided […]
Stretching is a fitness goal many men ignore until it’s too late. Don’t be one of them. Despite the alleged femininity of flexibility, it is highly applicable to the masculine […]
Ladies and Gentlemen, you are all familiar with Crossfit, Mudding, natural movement, and many other alternate types of fitness training. This article today will reveal my idea for a brand […]
Allow me to introduce you to Mark Kerr-former UFC Champion and current Dad Bod-having train wreck. How could a titan such as this have declined so quickly? I, of course, […]
A few months ago I went to a museum (the Brooklyn Museum of Art, if you must know) and was patiently browsing through the collection (it was the 19th century […]
Excuse the crappy picture, I took these images on my own pull-up bar in my bedroom, and this was literally the best possible angle I could have gotten to show […]
It’s memetic fame aside, the roundhouse is a kick you ought to be learning: it’s relatively quick, non-telegraphed, and hits all targets hard, from the ankle all the way to […]
All people reading this blog, I want to make this announcement to you. That announcement is that I have decided upon a complete revamping of this blog’s mission statement. Plenty […]