New ROK Article on Body Hardening
No, not the type of “hardening” you’re thinking of, moron. If you want that, see my article on kegels. This article refers to “hardening” in the martial arts sense: Hardening […]
No, not the type of “hardening” you’re thinking of, moron. If you want that, see my article on kegels. This article refers to “hardening” in the martial arts sense: Hardening […]
If you’ll recall, a few months ago, I did an article on four basic cocktails. In that article, in addition to discussing the ingredients and mixing of said drink, I […]
The other day, I made an appearance on Minority Right’s new podcast. As a matter of fact, I was the first guest of Minority Right’s podcast. Minority Right is more […]
No, you’re not physically lifting the cameras! You’re using them to judge your form. It’s a supplemental technique for lifting and all exercises, and you can read it below: A camera, […]
What you get when you look up “three way” with Safe Search on I have a confession to make. I have…slightly misled you on this title, purely for the purposes of […]
Popping and cracking shoulders sure do suck, don’t they? Luckily, my new article may help you out with some of those problems: I, and presumably most of the people reading […]
The Millwall brick stands as one of the greatest testaments to man’s ingenuity and desire to have an advantage in committing violence upon his fellow man-violence is golden, after all. Due […]
I have a new Return of Kings article on the sport of gymnastics, and how it can be helpful to the masculine for developing total body strength and dexterity. The […]
Skin care seems to be a topic that is not particularly masculine-and indeed, products for skin care seem to be overwhelmingly targeted towards the fair sex, as illustrated by this […]