For the second time, I have appeared on Bernard Chapin’s podcast. I’m still not entirely sure if this podcast has a name, as it doesn’t appear to have a name like some of Bernard’s other Youtube productions, but nonetheless it was a great experience, and much thanks to Mr. Chapin for having me on.
As I stated in my “Following Rome Down” article:
If you’re reading my website, chances are you’re familiar with Bernard Chapin at Male Defender. Bernard is a great writer who, much like myself, talks about a variety of topics, most of which pertain to masculinity and issues that men face in the modern world. In addition to his writing, Bernard also produces several Youtube shows and podcasts, all of which are collectively contained in the channel known as “Chapin’s Inferno”.
Naturally, my opinion hasn’t changed at all, but I admit that, for purposes of search engine optimization, I am repeating myself.
In this podcast, me and Bernard were joined by Florian, Kyle, Dark Suns, and some others whose names I sadly didn’t catch (and perhaps more sadly I don’t have links for their websites/channels, if anyone does please message me and I will amend this article). We discussed politics, culture, and other topics that would likely be interesting to those who read my website.
You can listen to the podcast here