New On Return of Kings: An Introduction to Willpower Training
My new article on Return of Kings deals with willpower, and how it can be trained—for it is much more of a muscle than it is a virtue. Willpower. It’s […]
My new article on Return of Kings deals with willpower, and how it can be trained—for it is much more of a muscle than it is a virtue. Willpower. It’s […]
In a man’s sexual endeavors, he may eventually come across a woman that seems completely different from the barren, childless harridans that are utterly ubiquitous in the once-hallowed halls of […]
So last week, a glance at my website’s statistics showed that the Reddit “hapas” board had a bit of a bone to pick with me…over an article I wrote last […]
It’s time once again for another article in my muscle control/Maxalding series: this time about the pectoral muscles. As a side note, I don’t plan on referencing Bloodsport in any articles […]
In the last couple of weeks, it has been something of a big “human interest” story that people have been buying George Orwell’s 1984 en masse in a reaction to […]
Did you watch Bloodsport as a kid? Of course you did. Did you ever want to do the splits? Of course you did. But in trying to do the splits, you […]
As I have alluded to in various blog comments and articles here and there, I have worked in various fields that involve me working with the public, particularly children and […]
Rejected by Return of Kings AND The Liberty Conservative, and now available for your edification! — So on January 21st, I managed to go to the Women’s March in New York City protesting […]
Most people, if they have any experience with the exercise of rope climbing, don’t have a positive view of it. And why should they? It just embarrassed and injured you […]
A cliche that you’ll often see in the regular public service announcements/Two Minutes Hates regarding rape and sexual assault is the idea that “rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power”. […]