New on Return of Kings: Mysterious Workout Devices
I have a new article on Return of Kings, dealing with 5 mysterious workout devices most people have probably encountered in the gym at some point in their gym-going lives, […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings, dealing with 5 mysterious workout devices most people have probably encountered in the gym at some point in their gym-going lives, […]
Yes, children, it’s once again time to learn some of the standard cocktail repertoire. While I never advocate drinking to excess, one must notice that social gatherings amongst adults (or […]
Yes indeed, children it’s time for another edition of Pick Up Assholes. In the video that I have produced this week, we’re looking at Allen Thompson and SoSuave.Net. So Suave […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings, in which I discuss injuries that can happen to your core, and how to slowly recuperate your strength and flexibility. This […]
So, as you’ve probably noticed, the United Airlines incident has been in the news a bit, in which an elderly Asian doctor with a somewhat checkered past was asked to […]
No, it’s not about kegels, or sex or anything like that. My new article on Return of Kings is about the importance of core development. Your abdominals, obliques, lower back, and, […]
Rhetoric is something that most people have a vague idea about (namely, that it involves talking or some such), but most never really bother to look into, and even fewer […]
I have a new Youtube show titled “PUAssholes” (ie: Pick-Up Assholes), in which I criticize bad pick up artistry, game, and other hamfisted attempts at pelvic sorcery—for both men and […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings—a continuation of my first back lever article, this new article presents the last few steps to completing this difficult exercise series: Rounding […]
Contrary to popular opinion, we at Return of Kings are quite capable of entering stable, monogamous relationships—and I’m certainly no exception to that, as I am currently in a stable, […]