New on ROK: How To Maximize Wardrobe
My new article on Return of Kings deals with a vastly underrated skill in a man’s life: the ability to maximize a few articles of clothing into many outfits in […]
My new article on Return of Kings deals with a vastly underrated skill in a man’s life: the ability to maximize a few articles of clothing into many outfits in […]
If you’re reading this article, on this particular website, then that likely means that you are at least somewhat interested in “game”—a way to work at attracting women, in the […]
“Judo” Gene Lebell is considered a legend of pro wrestling and martial arts, and rightfully so. This terrible video was not part of his legend. …Thus as I am about […]
Yesterday, I went on Donovan Sharpe’s podcast/livestream The Sharpe Reality, and we discussed martial arts, fitness, and many other topics relevant to both our websites. For those not aware, Donovan […]
My new Return of Kings article involves me judging three popular diets, and their effectiveness. In addition, I also discuss my own successful weight loss efforts. Directly proportional to the […]
Upon reading the title of this article, you were likely confused, if not gobsmacked by the idea. “‘America lost the Cold War?!’ Absurd!” I can hear you saying. And indeed, […]
In honor of the recent kerfuffle involving Donald Trump, Rex Tillerson, and IQ tests, I did my newest Manthropology video on the subject of IQ tests: their history, their application, […]
I wasn’t expecting this article to be posted until tomorrow, but what the hell! …What if I were to tell you that this crisis of effeminate religion has already occurred, […]
Two videos this week? Yes, indeed! Technically, this one is a condensed video version of a previous article I’ve done, but what the hey, you desperately wanted to see me […]
David Riker, a man who is by my closest estimation a middle aged Applebee’s manager (and not the screenwriter of the same name), decided to write a book on Speed […]