5 Ways America is Like the Weimar Republic

Hey look another Weimar-centric article.

If you’re reading this website, you’re probably a bit disgruntled towards modern society—and why shouldn’t you be? Such degeneracy and vice and apathy has never been seen before in the history of the world…right?


I hit this topic previously in the “unstoppable Hitler versus the immovable Weimar” article, but after reading Voluptuous Panic by Mel Gordon, there was just so much to discuss, I had to do another article. Many of the dysfunctions that afflict modern America have direct antecedents in “Berlin Babylon”—and I’m including those dysfunctions that afflict the self-appointed “saviors of society” as well as those who revel in debauchery.

What do I mean, you might ask? Things like…

1) Homosexual culture is largely unchanged

Of course, the book gave much attention to the gay and lesbian subcultures of 1920s Berlin—the Weimar Republic was probably the society most tolerant of homosexuals for millennia, and in some ways it was still more *ahem* “progressive” than even the modern United States or Europe. You can argue whether or not society was benefited by having barely-discreet boy brothels, but something I noticed was how gay culture has largely not changed all that much since then—things such as drag shows and also a wide variety of types of homosexuality. Of note is that the movement known as the “third sexers” spoke of themselves as being a third sex, neither man or woman, in rhetoric that is almost identical to the modern “born this way” rhetoric.

But overall, most gays in Berlin just wanted to be left alone to have standard fuck parties in peace—and you all know that I’m okay with them doing that in the privacy of their homes. With THAT being said…

2) The Alt-Right doesn’t have a monopoly on “upright” gays.

Yes, folks, it turns out that right-wing, militant homosexuals are not an invention of the Greg Johnsons of the world—indeed, the term “militant homosexualists” refers to this right-wing movement that was popular in 1920s Germany. These were men that wanted to completely restructure society in a new order that would have muscular, virile, masculine homosexual men on top in a sort of Platonic social structure, with heterosexuals organized in racial and physiological hierarchy from henceforth. Obvious parallels are obvious, but the point can be made that both those who celebrate society and those who wish to revamp society, are both more “in” it then they would perhaps care to admit. As a side note, some of these militant homosexual organizations—in particular the “Wild Boy” organizations involving blood brothers and fighting initiations—would lead directly into the Nazis.

3) Casual prostitution/pornography acceptance

1920s Berlin had its reputation for decadence for a reason—it was largely true. As mentioned above, it was in some ways even more so than modern “Weimerica”: child/teen prostitution haven’t QUITE come to America yet, but the willingness of teenage girls to post semi-nude or nude photos of themselves on the internet, and the prevalence of “sugar daddy” arrangements, just indicates that remnants of American Puritanism makes American women demand a light sugarcoating of their engagement in prostitution (a major theme of the book i how the gestalt national character of Germany expressed itself in having highly ordered forms of perversion, and I would wager that each country has a gestalt character that expresses itself in unusual ways)

Also of note is that the prevalence of pornography was not merely vanilla, coital pornography—no, Weimar Germany had so much extreme fetishism such as cuckolding, infantilism, and numerous types of psychodomination that they developed an entire term for it: “algolagnia”, the craving of pain. Now remember that the powers that be are trying to push cuckoldry upon American men. Why? See #5 for a possible explanation.

4) The “nudist, hippie, sexuality is naaatuuural” subculture has been around for a VERY long time.

On the topic of gestalt folkways of a particular nation, it has been posited by some that the hippie subculture , of free love and health food and nudism that was so prevalent in America’s recent past and still echoes today, was in fact a Teutonic invention. Indeed, it is true that nudism and remnants of the old pagan religion persisted in Germany, particularly South Germany, well into the 19th century—so much so that there were in fact crusades fought against these European pagans in medieval times. Not to be outdone, there were several modern religions/philosophies that also advocated similar things, such as Adonism and The Gottesbund Tanatra, which was eerily similar to some modern gay thinkers, in that they believed the homosexual man brings spiritual and moral refinement to humanity due to having unalloyed male and female components:

“According to the Tanatra texts, homosexual anal contact, or “Occult Marriage,” joined “true, pure, untainted souls” into a blessed relationship. The Tanatra elect claimed that they were only following their Lord Jesus, who—their Gnostic texts revealed—engaged in such activities with a boy named Johannes”.

I ask you, how different is this from the constant attempts to reinterpret [insert religious prophet] as some sort purple haired lesbian communist?

All of the phenomena enumerated above can probably be explained by…

5) A humiliated state and culture goes to weird places

Of note is that all of the things enumerated above occurred after Germany was defeated in World War 1. With it’s government and culture forcibly dismantled, there was a void left in the overall kultur. Naturally, that void had to be filled with sex and drugs.

For the past 50 years, American history and culture have been thoroughly mocked, denigrated, and deconstructed. And fittingly, sexual debauchery and drug addiction have skyrocketed. To make matters worse, those who would deign to “Save” America are often just as debauched as the surrounding culture—just like Weimar Germany.

The degeneracy of Weimar republic preceded—and in some cases directly led to the horrors of Nazi Germany. As I look upon what’s going on in America right now, I can only hope we can reverse the tide before its too late.