To Destroy Civilization, Destroy Masculinity

Note: This is a guest post from Jack at Road to Solidity

To destroy a civilization, destroy its men. Or should I say: destroy what makes them men. Make them weak. Make them fragile. Break the man inside them. Break their masculinity. So that they can’t offer any resistance.

Because here it is:

Masculinity is rigidity. Masculinity is structure. Masculinity is frame.

The man is the one who tells right from wrong. He’s the one who sets limits. He’s the one who initiates movement and take action.

Men are the guardian of civilization

They are the walls that shield it from external assaults. Whether those assaults are physical, psychological, moral… The men are the ones who have the ability to protect their civilization and to defeat subversive undertakings.

On the other hand, women just follow. Whether they admit it or not, that’s the way the act. Even those who pretend to be against the system. In reality, they just follow some trends. They just seek to be part of the group. The trends they follow can be good for their civilization, or bad (unfortunately at the time when I’m writing this, the trends most western women follow are bad).

It is the job of men to prevent this. Because when men are men, they set a frame. They set limits. And they can help women understand what is wrong and what is right.

Men have a better understanding of the world. They have a better understanding of the ennemies that want to destroy them and their civilization. That’s biological. That’s the way things work.


When you destroy men, you break the structure.

You remove the limits. You blow up the walls that shield their civilization. When you break their masculinity, you make them fragile. You make them more like women.

As a result, they become passive. They become followers. They start to follow trends, just like women.

That’s why we are witnessing so much degeneracy nowadays. Men have been weakened for decades. Masculinity has been weakened. And with weakened men, there can’t be much resistance to all of this crap.

How do you break men?

Here are a few ways:

Promote pacifism

“You shouldn’t make war. You shouldn’t fight with others, it’s bad. Only bad people use violence.”

And so on. I almost fell for this shit when I was a kid. But when you’re faced with reality, you’re understand how fallacious this is. This only work in world where everybody’s nice and doesn’t want to destroy you.

But unfortunately, the real world is not like this. Enemies don’t give a shit whether you’re a pacifist or not. And if you believe that you’re going to avoid wars by being a pacifist, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Promoting pacifism is a great way to weaken men. It’s a great way to make them give up their job of protectors.

Make them feel ashamed of who they are

Making men feel ashamed (and guilty) of who they are is a way to drive them away from their true nature. It’s a way to make them want to express masculinity less and and more feminine, whether they are conscious about it or not. As a result, some men become complete masochists and crawl to women’s feet, trying as best they can to atone for their sins. They reject masculinity and embrace femininity.

Remove powerful masculine role models from culture

Depriving men from strong masculine role models (and promoting weak and emasculated role models instead) is another way to destroy men’s masculinity. That’s why you’ll find less and less strong white males models in movies (I should point out the fact that USA are not the worst for this, France is in a much worse position, as the movies produced there practically never features strong white males models). The same goes with music and other cultural fields.

Make them addicted to entertainment and avoid hard work

To keep men weak – yet more or less happy (or at least feel like they’re somewhat happy) – provide them with entertainments. Make them forget how miserable their life is. Make them forget how weak they are. Make them forget about what’s happening to them. And keep them away from true achievement. Because here it is: Men become stronger (and thus more manly) thought hard word. They become stronger through adversity. And once they understand that this is the way they grow, they start to like it. That’s why to keep men from becoming more masculine, you should keep them away of this. Make them look for instant gratification and avoid hard work. Make them self-indulgent and complacent with their life.

Make them emotional and hyper sensitive

“You should have emotions… You should have feelings… If you can’t get full of emotions in such situations, you’re evil.”

To break men, make them emotional. Make them unable to control their emotions. Make them hyper sensitive pussies. That way, they won’t be able to make decisions based on logical facts. They won’t be able to take decisions by using their reason. And thus they’ll be much easier to control, since you’ll just need to talk to their emotions to get them to do whatever you want.

Tolerate weakness

“It’s okay to be weak/fat/emotional…”

If it’s okay to be a fuck-up, what’s the point in trying to be better? That’s what many average guys tell themselves, who are unsure of who they are. By promoting weakness or other degenerate tendencies, you encourage men to stay passive. Or worse: you encourage them to become weaker.

It takes a long time, but it gradually takes effect. From generation to generation, things get worse. Men become weaker and weaker. They become more and more like women. And the western civilization continues its slide into greater depths of degeneracy. But fortunately, many men are waking up and starting to embrace masculinity. To become a man again, the key is to understand what is going on and to go against this. Men should go against what their enemies want for them. They must become solid again and set limits that will shield their civilization against further assaults. They must understand what it means to be a man and take action to restore their civilization.