Haters of American Women are *Still* Losers
My recent article on Return of Kings, titled “Men Who Hate on American Women are Sore Losers” got quite the reaction from the commenters, with the comment section being bitterly […]
My recent article on Return of Kings, titled “Men Who Hate on American Women are Sore Losers” got quite the reaction from the commenters, with the comment section being bitterly […]
Hey, guess what? It turns out white people did *not*, in fact, invent the concept of conquest. So in this day and age of immigration debates, a longstanding argument against […]
I sure love a historical debunking, don’t you? My new article on Return of Kings debunks the myth that harsher sentences on crack cocaine versus powder cocaine were devised […]
Free verse is the drizzling shits, and yet I wrote a free verse poem (about the oddly specific topic of “jerking off over one’s skin color”) because I like torturing […]
Yesterday I was invited to join, and subsequently engaged in quite the engrossing livestream with Davis Aurini and his regular sidekick Artistic Layman (with caller Tom Bombadil jumping in towards the end, […]
If you’ll recall, a few weeks ago I wrote an article on how pulp fiction should be taught in schools as a method of getting young boys to read—and more […]
Gus Kaparos is the owner and proprietor of the Green Cloud Kung Fu School in Patchogue, New York. He is also one of the worst public speakers I’ve ever seen […]
In my new article for Return of Kings, I discuss how the hysterical hatred of “Ameriskanks” in the manosphere, while it may have a few good points, is largely the […]
(The featured image…man, this is probably the first time in 2 decades anyone has alluded to the phrase “information superhighway”. But I digress) The modern world sure sucks, doesn’t it? […]
Ah, a video adaptation of my very first Return of Kings article: the bridge! An exercise new readers have likely never done before, but you really ought to start doing. […]