Quigley’s Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds (PUAholes)

In this week’s video I review “Beautiful Women Prefer Nerds” by the mysterious Ross Quigley. Not being able to find a picture of him, I used the box art of the Tom Selleck film Quigley Down Under.

Anyway, here we see the first problem with this: That Ross seems tot hink there’s one “programmed” answer for each of these scenarios, and he judges your “pick up mastah” rank based off that. Also 100% gets you a “gigolo” rating—I’ve never seen anybody refer to themselves as a gigolo, and if I ever did, I’d probably punch him in the head.

He then goes on to explain that both men and women have unrealistic expectations which is indeed true. I feel like I get pretty conciliatory with most of these PUA guys in the early going before they get on the express train to Funky Town.

He also talks about how damaging loneliness is: “JOIN AN ONLINE COMMUNITY HE SAYS”—Wow. How old *is* this? Oh 1999 I see. Yeah, the cure for loneliness is to join an Otherkin forum.

On page 30 we start to get short term strategies for getting chicks

Yeah, women love submissive yes-men. He does have some good ideas in the HOW TO MAKE YOURSELF NOT POPULAR SUGGESTION—not having hygiene, not making eye contact, and hanging out with losers will do wonders for your involuntary celibacy.

Chapter 6: Buying gifts for their love—he details how schlubs and losers used to throw gifts and money at women in hopes of picking them up, and he agrees with me that that is a mistake.

“That’s rule number one: The only person who appreciates your gifts is the person who is in love with you anyway, without the gifts.  What happens if you try to win someone over who doesn’t already like you? That’s rule number two! “If he takes  two steps forward, don’t trust him because he wants something from you. If  he takes two steps back, he’s a jerk. See, he didn’t get what he wanted, so now he’s acting like a jerk.”” Actually good advice.