Oh Shit, New Patreon Bonuses!

Hey kids, you like my content, and I like your money—let’s meet somewhere in the middle!

In addition to the three tiers that some of you are already familiar with, I am now offering, for a little bit more money, the lost episodes of my shows!

What are those episodes? What are they about? Well I can’t tell you upfront, but I’ll give you a hint; they start off normal and then all of a sudden Squidward pulls out a shotgun and–

Whoops, not *that* kind of lost episode!

No, they’re episodes of my shows that were taken off Youtube for one reason or another. And for a mere 15 dollars on Patreon, you can get both of them! And any other lost episodes to come in the future? You’ll get those too!

Still not good enough? Take a gander at the gold and silver tiers!


The twenty dollar tier gives you all the benefits of the one, five, ten, and fifteen dollar tiers, AND one complimentary item of the merch of your choice!Whether it be either of my books, the books that will be written in the future, or the t-shirts and general crap that I’m *totally* going to  make sometime soon, say the word, and one of them will be yours!

The thirty dollar tier gives you all the benefits of the one, five, ten, fifteen, and twenty dollar tiers, AND you will get one free sample of any and all merchandise associated with The Barbaric Gentleman from now until your patronage period ends.Whether it be either of my books, the books that will be written in the future, or the t-shirts and general crap that I’m *totally* going to  make sometime soon, give me your money and I’ll give you my merch!

If you liked the video, please subscribe to my Youtube Channel in this link.

Or you can donate to my patreon:

Or you can visit my twitter

Or my Instagram

And buy my book!