Like a remora suckling the back of a shark, so too did I pull Swingcat off of Ross Jeffries.
“Naturalized Attraction is not about trying to apply therapeutic techniques used in psychology to dating, attracting, and seducing women. Nor is it based upon the unfounded claims propounded by the “let’s play pseudo-psychologist to the helpless, needy and pathetic” gurus of the world” No, it’s based on THE REAL WORLD. Let’s see what real world applications this has!
“Men with strong social skills are able to simultaneously engage a woman – with, for example, quips and stories – while also analyzing what they need to do to further engage and attract her (Note: I define “attraction” not as how a woman judges you, but as what you do to her mind and body. Attraction or as I call it “Prizing” is getting a woman so emotionally charged, she is compelled to chase you). “
Actually not wrong.
“One thing that has helped me tremendously is rehearsing the outcome of everything I intend to get an effect from. So, for example, if I intend to tell a story to intrigue a woman, I will rehearse in my mind her being intrigued by my story. If, for example, I intend to have a woman lean in and try to kiss me after I have kissed her and pulled back, I will rehearse this over and over again in my mind. “
Paranoid delusions are the key to seduction!
“In the REAL WORLD it comes down to controlling the META-FRAME, and having both a stronger reality and META-INTENT than the woman you are attracting”
Yeah, people in the real world use the word “meta frame and meta intent” all the time.
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PS: My video yesterday was just an ad for my new books, so I didn’t feel the need to post that twice, one after the other.