So you may or may not have noticed the NYT article a couple of weeks ago, in which a woman (a married mother), described how she started sleeping with another man with the permission of her (presumably tiny penised) husband.
And perhaps you have also noticed that several other journalistic outlets that may have once been considered respectable periodicals have also argued for the joys of open marriages and cuckolding (as well as, tangentially but perhaps inevitably, the joys of sticking things up your ass)
Almost immediately after you notice all of the above, you will likely notice that the type of polygamy that is advocated for is always polyandry and never polygyny. In other words, two men for one woman, and never the other way around.
This is despite the fact that, like it or not, polygyny has been overwhelmingly more common in history than polyandry. And now I have to clarify two notes for the dense:
1) I am aware that polyandrous societies HAVE existed and still do exist here and there, and…
2) I am not particularly enthused by either type of polygamy. As I said not too long ago I am done with spinning plates and am now a monogamist, but I do think it’s odd that if you’re going to be advocating for polygamy, shouldn’t you be advocating for the kind that has historically been done more frequently?
If it has been more common historically, I don’t think it’s a huge leap in logic to assume that the majority of people in polygamous relationships would be going for polygyny and not polyandry. Or, to put it another way, the primal sexualities still resonate with us, if the popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey and whatever other flavor-of-the-month shite romance is in the news would illustrate anything.
Deep in their lizard hindbrains (and yes, it usually is wildly irrational and not to be actually advised), at least SOME women WANT to submit to a studly alpha male, and some men WANT to gad about and impregnate their many wives like the stereotypical Sheikh of Araby.
The two sets of atavistic desires overlap, and, in some cases and for variable amounts of time, all are happy.
As stated above, while polyandry certainly did and still does exist, it’s worth pointing out that…to be blunt, very few societies did polyandry and all of those societies sucked in the grand scheme of things.
So why do our societal betters want us to engage in polyandry and cuckoldry? I would wager that it has something to do with the obvious fact that polyandrous cultures have historically been unachieving mediocrities: men who share one woman are usually, to be blunt, spineless wimps. The women in turn are pretty, castrating viragos, and ultimately neither of which would be a threat to the brawny arm of a police state. Y’know, the kind that’s slowly encroaching upon us all.
This combines with the ongoing delegitimization of masculinity to weaken men of all races, cultures, and ethnicities within the multi-ethnic empire that is the United States. L
Another way to look at it: polygamy is (rightfully, in my opinion) criticized and ridiculed as being impractical and harmful to women…so why is it suddenly okay when the genders are reversed?
And yes, keyboard alpha males, I said that polygamy is harmful to women. And not only that, it’s harmful to men too! The men who are sexual losers, at any rate (ie: guys who aren’t me).
While your lizard hind brain might desire multiple women, hopefully your neocortex and other higher brain parts should acknowledge how impractical it is financially and emotionally for yourself, and harmful it is to society—and I am nothing if not compassionate

Like I said in the monogamy article, the “incel” problem would only get 10x worse if guys were bogarting all the women—they already claim that’s the case, but now it would be official. And while I might enjoy my harem for a short while, I’d probably not enjoy having the incel janitor of my office or whatever put a bullet in my head for monopolizing the sexual marketplace.
A bit of self-reflection also made me realize that it seems somewhat hypocritical for a man to simultaneously want multiple women while also being enraged by cuckoldry. And yes, while I know that women are far more likely to desire being in a harem than a man would…I think I’ve given you enough reasons to seriously reconsider polygamy of all stripes.