On Testosterone Poisoning: The Video

Ever notice how stupidly masculinity is portrayed nowadays? It’s the video version of my previous article

If you weren’t familiar with the term, then you definitely recognize it now—that low, guttural, “Cram it in your face hole!” sort of goofy machismo that comes off as more of a parody of late 90s Mountain Dew commercials than any of the actual masculine virtues.

Surely, this trope has always existed to some extent, but it seems that in recent years (and by recent years I basically mean the last decade) this has become a stock parody and punchline, being seen everywhere from children’s cartoons to advertising.

I specify this distinction and proliferation because, as  mentioned previously, there have always been occasional uses of this cliche of comically overblown machismo. But, in the past, I can’t help but notice that it was used specifically as a central theme in the work, to prove a point about one thing or another. To cite a few very diverse examples of this at random…

Please, in the age of the incel, it is highly unlikely that we’re living in a time of unbridled,free-flowing masculinity. In fact, we’re living in a day and age where there is less masculinity than there ever has been. This is reflected in the declining sperm counts, testosterone levels, physical strength, and pretty much every other objective measure of masculine virility. So, no, I don’t think that those who use this trope nowadays are poking fun at themselves and their fellows.

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