A Response to Revengestar/Persephone

Hey, remember Persephone of the /r/hapas losers, and how we buried the hatchet and then I never mentioned her again? Well, she made a video praising me as an alpha male example to follow. And even though I have still to this day never referred to myself as being “an alpha male”…I am a nice person, and I appreciate when I am complimented. So I thought it deserved a response

Yes, I am going to be pronouncing her name Purr-Seph-Uh-Knee. I know she says Purse-Eh-Phone, but that’s wrong…

…So Persephone says that I’m ‘an alpha male example worth following’. Fucking finally! It’s about time somebody recognizes it…

No Persephone, I’m not going to sleep with you. Me and Vita are quite happy together.

So…Persephone doesn’t quite explain what the accusations that Chicken Tendies made against me are, longtime readers will be aware of these, but for those tyros that are watching I will explain. Tenda and the /r/hapas people would at various points accuse me of being…oh…fat, an incel, a fraud, an autistic person, and overall a liar who put up a macho facade to hide his gross inferiority. Naturally, this was all Tenda projecting his massive issues onto me. I am an internet personality, but I’m real. Unlike some other internet personalities that we can name, I don’t put up a fake persona. What you see is what you get.

…The fact of the matter is that, yeah, Asian men *are* shat upon in pop culture, that’s pretty undeniable. But my point is also that, considering this is the only thing they’re complaining about usually, you’ve got it pretty good overall.

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