A Few Edible Plants
Edible plants?! Yes! So much talk about violence and sex on this website (which might explain why a fair amount of my fans are from Brazil…) Kidding, kidding! But in […]
Edible plants?! Yes! So much talk about violence and sex on this website (which might explain why a fair amount of my fans are from Brazil…) Kidding, kidding! But in […]
Hey look its another mediocrity with an English accent: The not-quite-6-feet-tall Richard La Ruina! Today is the stereotypically grody looking Richard La Ruina, aka Gambler. He’s pretty successful as far […]
Summer is coming, and you know what that means! (Besides “Larsen has to take shirtless selfies for the sake of you people”) Building strength, raw functional power, is certainly an […]
Yet another “Standard snippet”, the stock “Da-da-da-DA-DA-DUM” fanfare intro to a song that announces “wacky shit is going down!” derp The “song” consists of three of the same notes repeated, […]
It’s just like my old article, but with more pictures of that kid from Burger King to rub in what a shitass that guy was. I will not be naming […]
Look at the title. The title, I think, poses a very important question: while lots of nerds will angrily go on diatribes about “fake geek girls”, I think we have […]
In this video, that started out as a Kung Fail video but then got hijacked by PUAHoles, I profile Claude Harley Reagan, aka “Swiftdeer” aka “Thunderstrike”, aka a not-at-all-Native-American martial […]