You Can Never Fully Transcend Your Time
Let me tell you a story about myself. As I have alluded to in many articles, I was not exactly a model student and teenager in my younger days. In […]
Let me tell you a story about myself. As I have alluded to in many articles, I was not exactly a model student and teenager in my younger days. In […]
A while back I did an article asking why music nowadays is the aural equivalent of ball cancer—here’s a video going more in depth into the subject! If you want […]
Newer readers of my website are undoubtedly familiar with me as the picture of living calm; a man who meditates, espouses the teachings of inner peace, and tells you not […]
From Locris to your instrument..the Locrian Minor Scale. And while I typically start with the equivalent major scale before I go into a minor scale…for various reasons detailed in the […]
Let’s talk about pets. Who doesn’t like an animal to come home to every day? No matter how much you fuck up at school or your job, your pets will […]
“Who or What is a ‘Skullmageddon’?” You might be asking. If you find yourself misfortunate enough to read incel blogs and forums on a regular basis (as I briefly did […]
With the release of Quentin Tarantino’s new film Once Upon A Time In Hollywood…it’s time for some shameless clickbait: and so, presenting to all of you, my loving audience…a video […]