The Beginnings by Rudyard Kipling

Hey, you know that poem that all the wignats love? Yeah, turns out they’re misquoting it. Here it is unedited: The Beginnings by Rudyard Kipling.

You’re likely familiar with this poem if you read my website…or rather, you’re familiar with a bastardized pastiche version of it called ‘When the Saxon Began to Hate’ or ‘When the White Man’ or etc.. I spent a long time searching for ‘When the Saxon began to Hate’, and found dick. Oh, I found the poem, but it was always on some horse’s ass white supremacist website, and nowhere could I find it on any website about poetry or about Kipling himself. Then I realized why that was.

The only authentic version says ‘When the English began to hate’, and was written in 1917, as an ANTI-GERMAN polemic in time for World War 1. It is specifically a poem about rousing the peaceable English to militarization to defeat “the hun”. It is NOT any sort of white nationalist wank fest to rouse the Men of the West against the dusky hordes. My viewers know damn well that I am not some white guilt having, self-pitying panty waist: I take pride in my European/American side’s history and culture. But at the same time, I also have gone on record many times saying I advocate tolerance, understanding, peace, and (somewhat distant) camraderie between the peoples and races.

Kipling did as well—while proud of his own English culture and people, he made great pains to understand the Eastern cultures he grew up in, and showed great respect for them (to the point where, when in charges of the Graves Commission, he meticulously made sure to bury Indian colonial soldiers under the appropriate Hindu, Sikh, or Muslim rites).

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