Have You Ever Met Any Of These People?

People, I must ask: who doesn’t like a good old fashioned bitch session? Everyone likes to complain once in a while! And the internet has made complaining easier, more fun, and more impactful than it ever has been before!

Where once a complainer would have nothing but a barstool or a street corner to bitch from, a lucky grumbler today could let the whole world know what pisses him off. Indeed, there are whole subcultures nowadays dedicated to complaining, bitching, and whining. The manosphere hates the feminists, the feminists hate the manosphere, antifa hates the Nazis and vice versa, the incels hate the Chads, all races hate each other; all in all, everybody has something to complain about. After all, a quick Google Search will show you that your enemies are LITERALLY ALL AROUND YOU AT ALL TIMES, and you must fight the good fight!

I like a good complain myself, but I’ve recently taken great strides in controlling my anger and antipathy towards others, because I’ve realized something: the distasteful groups that you or I complain about, those people who make your life much worse…you will hardly ever see these people in real life. In fact, I’m going to raise a question that may come off a bit audacious: have you ever *once* met anybody from a group that you despise so much?

I’m not saying that you don’t have distasteful individuals in your life; of course you do, everyone does. What I’m asking is, if you feel that much of your misfortune is due to a certain group, how often do you interact with said group?

For example, many in the manosphere will write reams and reams of verbiage excoriating feminists: I myself do this sometimes (although perusing my archives will show it’s never been an overwhelming preoccupation), and some blogs do little but shit talk annoying hairy armpitted skags with FUPAs and problem hair and problem glasses and hatchet faces and wildly irrational demands and beliefs about society. And of course I find those people annoying, even most women do.

But how often have I interacted with these sorts of women? Not very often—in fact, almost never! And I guarantee that anybody who isn’t a student at UC Berkeley has rarely, if ever, met one of these women in their life. And yet for whatever reason, rather than acknowledging this, they continue to stick their hands in the metaphorical hornet’s nest, deliberately seeking out the people they hate rather than saying “Well I don’t like these people but I don’t deal with them very often so that’s good!” like a sensible person would.

And the feminists are exactly the same—despite their fever dreams *cough, sexual fantasies* that the streets are full of muscular “blonde beast” fraternity brothers and waistcoat wearing rapist businessmen, I am willing to bet that these women are rarely catcalled or sexually harassed (at least not by the people they claim to be railing against), but again, they choose to live in a state of delusion that they are.

The list can go on: Nobody past high school age has to deal with bullies and “popped collar dickheads”, and yet the incel, no matter how old he is, still persists in living in a world where Johnny Lawrence and his Cobra Kai buddies are lurking behind every corner to bogart all the hot girls and give the nerds wedgies.

The pathetic gaggle of morons that makes up what remains of the alt-right have likely never met a Jewish person in their life, but that doesn’t stop them from seeing happy merchants behind every corner. Similarly, despite what some angry black people think, there are not, in fact, white people lurking behind every corner to make your life worse.

And yet we all seem to think that our enemies are constantly around us. Why is that? A major part of it is that the internet has upended our social lives in a way that 100,000 years of evolution could not have possibly prepared us for. We’re constantly bombarded by information and human interaction (in a manner of speaking); in a day we get more information than most of our ancestors would have gotten in a year. And when you can read the odious opinions of bad people with a stroke of your fingertips, your gut amygdalic reaction is to feel as if they’re right there yelling at you, in a way that your ancestors 5000 years ago would never have felt unless they were in the middle of a battlefield. Most people are completely psychologically unprepared for a barrage of negative feedback, even if it’s digital, so they’re constantly on edge and lashing out at phantoms—just one of many examples of how social media causes many deleterious effects.

And secondly, many people engage in these windmill crusades because, well…they want to. It makes them feel good, like they’re brave warriors fightin the good fight against the forces of evil—and in a day and age where a sizable minority of the population are working jobs that are explicitly pointless…you gotta have something meaningful in your life.

So there it is—you’re rarely if ever going to interact with the people you hate, so being constantly on edge about them is kind of pointless. And as luck would have it, there’s a very easy way to deal with this. It’s called put the goddamn computer/phone down and go outside!

It’s simple as that! Just take a break from your online activities, and engage directly with the outside world. And marvel at how “the bad people” are not constantly out to get you, look at how most people will treat you with nothing worse than indifference and a few of them may *gasp* be nice. Enjoy the outside world for once…or you can continue to pretend you’re a valiant crusader fighting the bad people that have nothing better to do than ruin the life of a 30 year old virgin. Your choice.