Sexual Imperialism: The Best Imperialism

Excusing the slightly crappy video quality, I did a video on how sex was one of the causes of imperialism you *don’t* learn about in school.

Imperialism. We’re all familiar with it, if only in its basic pop cultured forms. One group of people waltzing over to some other place and taking all that shit. As I myself have said it comes in all colors, almost all groups of people at some point have decided to play empire.

But objectively, whitey has probably done it the most, maybe not of all time but certainly in the last few centuries. For it is the imperialism of 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th century Europe that we’re largely going to talk about, albeit we’ll also draw attention to imperialism from other countries and even some stuff going on today.

What were the casus belli of imperialism? I’m sure you remember all that stuff from school: to spread Christianity and civilization? The white man’s burden? God, glory, and gold? All of those things are true, but really all of those things, in particular the first two, are more for the civilians back home. The kind of thing that, say, Headmaster Thomas Arnold of the Rugby school preached to his students. The justification for empire that you told to women and preachers.

Do you really think Tommy Atkins or L’Poilu, the working class schlub who actually has to go to another country and fight it out with the natives, gives a damn about spreading Christianity or “uplifting the heathen”? I think not. No, they, and the propaganda that was targeted specifically to the fighting man, had a much more base justification for imperialism, one that really hits home with its immediate benefits to the soldier:


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