With malice towards none, and in the interest of genuine inquiry, here I go with some questions for the trans community.
(And no, I’m not just trying to clickbait the outrage mob).
I am a heterosexual man myself, but I do have some questions that I want to ask the LGBT community, more specifically the “T”s. I would just like to point out that I have repeatedly gone on record saying that I’m totally cool with you doing what you do, it’s your body and it’s your right to do with it as you will. But I am also a scientist and thus intellectually curious. And so in the interest of opening up a dialogue, here’s a few questions about this whole issue that I have been wondering.
Why are the overwhelming majority MtF, instead of a 50-50 balance?
We can start off here. The world is roughly 50% male and 50% female, so mathematically speaking wouldn’t we also assume that the spread of trans people would also be about 50% male to female, and 50% female to male?
You would think that, but data shows that clearly is not the case. Data shows that the overwhelming majority of trans people are men becoming women. My question is: why is there such an overwhelming disparity? Trans people are a tiny percentage of the population, but if you were to take a random sample from a large population size (a population size like, uh, the entire population of Earth), you would expect there to be roughly equal numbers of men and women, and roughly equal numbers of trans men and women, correct?
In other words, why do so many more men “wish to be the little girl”, to borrow an old 4Chan meme, then women “wishing to be the little boy”? Does this not suggest that there may be something at play here beyond people just being “born in the wrong body?” Something external, beyond the circumstances of one’s birth? The events of one’s life may cause some influence?
Because it seems pretty strange to me that so many more men are born into the wrong body than women.
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