Larsen Live: Build-A-Bear is for Closers

Welcome back to a delightfully inane edition of Larsen Live, in which we find out that if you’re not man enough to handle raw aggression, then you ought to not work at Build-A-Bear.

 Let’s start things off with some, ahem, levity. Levity meaning a bitter psychotic laugh at the hellscape we live in. And perhaps that’s why I cling to Kagero so much, it’s a reminder that even in the miserable modern world there is still good timeless music…or at least there was until 2015. The saddest part is they don’t even have their own name exclusively, there’s ANOTHER Band named Kagero that gets lumped in with them, and the other Kagero is just some saxophone nonsense. I don’t know how else to describe it, it’s just this atonal BIBBIDYBIPBIPBIP crap.

 Anyway it’s time for Wagies Posting Ls. This week? Something so incredibly stupid that I’m praying it’s a joke.


“ABC! A Always B Be C Closing. Always be closing, you ain’t gonna get that commission on a bear unless you make every toddler cry! HARD SELL MOTHERFUCKER” “You wanna make money, don’t say OH I GOTTA PLAY WITH MY KIDS, go home and play with your kids asshole”

Man I could ramble on for hours on the sheer inanity of this topic. Seriously, middle manager asshole, who I can only assume is a red faced beer bellied middle aged dick with a fat wife and 3 loser children, you work at Build a Bear, it’s not a stock brokerage, it’s not Northrop Grumman selling shitty fighter jets to the DOD. It’s a place where children can make a teddy bear. You really ought to calm down a bit.

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