
The Demographic Bomb is Real

In the new episode of Manthropology, I discuss times in prior history when the “demographic bomb”—the deliberate introduction of a new and hostile population to a nation—has happened in history. […]

Virility Won't Make You Happy

Yeah, you read that right. What the entirety of the male self improvement section of the internet promises you—virility, the ability to be strong and masculine—and I’m telling you that […]

Cultivation: The Video

I have a new video of one of my older poems: As a side note, I’m going to be expanding my repertoire a bit in the future—still doing two videos […]

Drop Panties with Martial Arts!

The featured image: Revenge of the Ninja—a film from 1983, for anyone who wants to whine about “muh desexualization”. Anyway, this is yet another one of my titles that I’m […]

In10se! (PUAHoles)

In my new edition of PUAHoles: Another protege of Ross Jeffries (just like those shitheels Derek Rake and David Riker), it’s in10se, AKA Blake Richards! Also known as Twotimer for […]

Solomon Kane's Homecoming

My new poetry narration. As a side note, the Phil Elmore Kung Fail video was taken down at his request. Solomon Kane’s Homecoming by Robert Howard The white gulls wheeled […]

Modern Sexuality sucks, especially for men. We all know that, so I decided to write a couple of poems about this—poems about wanton hedonism and sexual frustration, and creepy incel […]