Object Permanence and the Wokist
Are you familiar with the concept of object permanence? Object permanence is a major milestone in the cognitive development of a baby. It’s when an infant is capable of understanding […]
Are you familiar with the concept of object permanence? Object permanence is a major milestone in the cognitive development of a baby. It’s when an infant is capable of understanding […]
Technically, part 1 of my expose of the madness of Steven Seagal—it has to be in two parts because my god there’s a lot of it. We all know Steven […]
American culture is certainly denigrated by all corners, isn’t it? From the left wing, to the EVROPA morons, even West Point, the United States Military Academy, constantly shits upon and […]
Undoubtedly you all remember my seminal article from last year positing that most of what sucks about America comes from busybody schoolmarms. And I stand by that. But I want […]
Yes, this article combined with the video yesterday…it appears I’m on something of an ethnic kick. Ideas just come to me sometimes. So let’s talk about Hollywood! As I may […]
A bit of a confession to make, first of all. I of course love what I do in the realm of neo-masculinity, and want to contribute in some way to […]
Allow me to introduce you to Mark Kerr-former UFC Champion and current Dad Bod-having train wreck. How could a titan such as this have declined so quickly? I, of course, […]
All people reading this blog, I want to make this announcement to you. That announcement is that I have decided upon a complete revamping of this blog’s mission statement. Plenty […]
For the past month or so, I have had shin splints, which has kept me from moving around too much, and, more importantly for you, kept me from producing my […]
I am a huge cinemaphile. I have referred to and cited several movies in my writing, ranging from the silent epics of D.W. Griffith and F.W. Murnau to the most commercialized […]