Nathan Larson Gets Gang Raped in Jail
Yep, it’s finally here; the hip-hop stylings of a very uncool white man rapping about jail. Bummer Drummer is the twerp who made that unbearably awful “Free Nathan Larson” rap […]
Yep, it’s finally here; the hip-hop stylings of a very uncool white man rapping about jail. Bummer Drummer is the twerp who made that unbearably awful “Free Nathan Larson” rap […]
I’ll give you a second to guess what the hell “musical penises” refers to. And so… It’s a very music-centric week here on the Barbaric Gentleman! I’ve already given you […]
In a further example of my nobly futile quest to prove I can do crappy pop music better than the people currently doing it, another opus I wrote in 5 […]
In my new video, I discuss some more thoughts on the modern music industry: my reactions to the Seabrook book, tepidly defending The Archies, and most importantly…an original song by […]
A while back I did an article asking why music nowadays is the aural equivalent of ball cancer—here’s a video going more in depth into the subject! If you want […]
From Locris to your instrument..the Locrian Minor Scale. And while I typically start with the equivalent major scale before I go into a minor scale…for various reasons detailed in the […]
Ever notice how all music nowadays basically sounds the same? This chord progression is why! You’ve all noticed how modern music, well, kinda sucks and all sounds the same right? […]
The pentatonic scale. For when you want to get your Orientalism on (see also the Asian riff): All of the scales we have gone over thus far have been diatonic […]
Yet another one of those songs that everybody knows but nobody knows the name of…and yet another song that was not invented in its purported place of origin. The Streets […]
Yet another “Standard snippet”, the stock “Da-da-da-DA-DA-DUM” fanfare intro to a song that announces “wacky shit is going down!” derp The “song” consists of three of the same notes repeated, […]