
Rain: An Original Poem

Return of Kings is having some minor technical difficulties, so until those are fixed, enjoy some poetry! Unlike my other poetry (which is to say; the poetry that isn’t deliberately […]

Love's Reproach

And here it is, the last poem I submitted to Atop the Cliffs. I’ll get around to writing some new ones…eventually. Whenever it is that the inspiration to write more poetry strikes […]

Cultivation: A Poem

Yet another poem of mine was published on Atop the Cliffs: and this poem is 99% original content! (The other 1% is an allusion to The Garden by HP Lovecraft). I […]

On Iron

Hey look kids, it’s another Larsen Halleck original poem, originally published on Atop the Cliffs and now reposted here for your edification: On Iron by Larsen Halleck Then-I strained myself again and […]

The Masculine Scribe

Shock and awe—Larsen Halleck is something of a poet when he’s not kicking ass and taking names. I understand that new readers may find this surprising, but again, the whole […]