You Can Never Fully Transcend Your Time
Let me tell you a story about myself. As I have alluded to in many articles, I was not exactly a model student and teenager in my younger days. In […]
Let me tell you a story about myself. As I have alluded to in many articles, I was not exactly a model student and teenager in my younger days. In […]
Newer readers of my website are undoubtedly familiar with me as the picture of living calm; a man who meditates, espouses the teachings of inner peace, and tells you not […]
I may have mentioned this once or twice, but I’ve recently started taking jiujitsu (Brazilian, not traditional) alongside my lovely girlfriend Vita. As the entirety of my martial arts training […]
As you know, I read the book “Bullshit Jobs” by David Graeber, and I liked it a lot. This book was also fairly popular in the masculine corners of the […]
So the other day I was browsing Rational Wiki—yes, I know they are dyed in the wool leftists, but unlike most of their political brethren they’re fairly sensible and some […]
Charles Manson is, of course, a name that needs no introduction to any of my readers. A halfway decent song writer/producer and leader of a cult that committed brutal murders […]
So you may or may not have noticed the NYT article a couple of weeks ago, in which a woman (a married mother), described how she started sleeping with another […]
Yeah, you read that right. What the entirety of the male self improvement section of the internet promises you—virility, the ability to be strong and masculine—and I’m telling you that […]
On this website, one of the major goals is of course self-improvement: turning yourself from the schlubby, boring, acne encrusted loser you were born as and becoming the muscular, swaggering […]
Hey look kids, it’s another Larsen Halleck original poem, originally published on Atop the Cliffs and now reposted here for your edification: On Iron by Larsen Halleck Then-I strained myself again and […]