
The Burning Fires Of Hatred

Newer readers of my website are undoubtedly familiar with me as the picture of living calm; a man who meditates, espouses the teachings of inner peace, and tells you not […]

On Crank Magnetism

So the other day I was browsing Rational Wiki—yes, I know they are dyed in the wool leftists, but unlike most of their political brethren they’re fairly sensible and some […]

The Push For Polyandry

So you may or may not have noticed the NYT article a couple of weeks ago, in which a woman (a married mother), described how she started sleeping with another […]

Virility Won't Make You Happy

Yeah, you read that right. What the entirety of the male self improvement section of the internet promises you—virility, the ability to be strong and masculine—and I’m telling you that […]

On Iron

Hey look kids, it’s another Larsen Halleck original poem, originally published on Atop the Cliffs and now reposted here for your edification: On Iron by Larsen Halleck Then-I strained myself again and […]