New on ROK: “A Regimen For Recovering Injuries To Your Core”
I have a new article on Return of Kings, in which I discuss injuries that can happen to your core, and how to slowly recuperate your strength and flexibility. This […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings, in which I discuss injuries that can happen to your core, and how to slowly recuperate your strength and flexibility. This […]
My new article on Return of Kings deals with willpower, and how it can be trained—for it is much more of a muscle than it is a virtue. Willpower. It’s […]
Did you watch Bloodsport as a kid? Of course you did. Did you ever want to do the splits? Of course you did. But in trying to do the splits, you […]
Most people, if they have any experience with the exercise of rope climbing, don’t have a positive view of it. And why should they? It just embarrassed and injured you […]
Talking is an important skill to have, even in this age of digitization. And nobody likes talking to a mumbling simp. So learn how to talk properly in my new […]
More specifically, the first three steps of this difficult exercise. It’ll take a while to master this, so I’ll leave the proper back lever for later. The novice often doesn’t […]
In my new Return of Kings article, I review Max Sick’s 1901 book Muscle Control, and give a few exercises from that book. I found it to be useful as a […]
Many people think that physical training and mental training are mutually exclusive. In fact, there is an enormous amount of fitness-related literature out there. And like most tomes, the majority […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings about the myth that weightlifting will make you slow and “musclebound”, and how I thoroughly debunk said myth. As I elaborated […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings about body hardening techniques, and why you ought to do them: If you will recall, a few weeks ago I wrote an […]