On Iron
Hey look kids, it’s another Larsen Halleck original poem, originally published on Atop the Cliffs and now reposted here for your edification: On Iron by Larsen Halleck Then-I strained myself again and […]
Hey look kids, it’s another Larsen Halleck original poem, originally published on Atop the Cliffs and now reposted here for your edification: On Iron by Larsen Halleck Then-I strained myself again and […]
In my new article on the venerable Return of Kings, I discuss the deadlift, and why it truly is the king of exercises. I have repeatedly gone on record saying […]
And by “FSU”, I mean the Former Soviet Union of course. While I have the distaste for communism that most in this corner of the internet have, I am capable […]
I have a new article on Return of Kings about the myth that weightlifting will make you slow and “musclebound”, and how I thoroughly debunk said myth. As I elaborated […]
No, you’re not physically lifting the cameras! You’re using them to judge your form. It’s a supplemental technique for lifting and all exercises, and you can read it below: A camera, […]