Progressivism: Religion Without God

One of the main tenets of “good think” that is propagated nowadays is the idea that organized religion is something to be mocked and disparaged as a troglodytic throwback to far less enlightened times, “silly superstitions” we should wisely eschew. And to an extent, I would agree—I’m certainly no fan of organized religion myself, and seeing its corruption isn’t very difficult to see.

However, what I find ironic is how vehemently progressives disparage organized religion. Namely, because they themselves treat progressivism like a religion, and believe in it as fanatically as the most chug-headed bible thumper.

If you don’t believe me, let’s take a look at a few ways that modern liberalism/progressivism/whatever you want to call it bears an uncanny similarity to a religion without god.

1) Original Sin/White Privilege

In the Abrahamic religions, the idea is of course that humanity is born with and forever afflicted with original sin that separates them from a state of divinity and innocence—and of course the Christians believe that this sin was redeemed by the sacrifice of Jesus.

Similarly, leftists believe that all European-descended peoples are born with and afflicted with white privilege and historical guilt that separates them from a state of “wokeness” and inherent goodness—and don’t take my word for it, note that leftists will fairly frequently use the term original sin” in conjunction with slavery/racism/whatever. However, unlike any of the actual religions, progressivism does not provide any way for white people (man, woman, or child) to extirpate themselves of their inherent evil or atone for their “sins” in any way. And they wonder why white people are turning away from progressivism…

2) Blood Libels

One of the unfortunate downsides of organized religion is to create aggressive “outgrouping”, which leads to conspiracy theories, blatant falsehoods, and hysteria pertaining to those not in the group, the most infamous of these being of course what the title of this section alludes to; the ancient “blood libel” of human sacrifice that was first utilized against Christians in Pagan Rome, and then against Jews in Christian Europe.

Similarly, there’s certainly no shortage of half-truths (if not blatant lies) claiming that white men are the overwhelming majority of serial killers, mass shooters, pedophiles, and all the other dregs of humanity. And while there haven’t been any large scale pogroms against white people in the manner that the Jews were mistreated, white men are attacked the most in small scale interracial violence, so it’s hardly that much of a leap towards the metaphorical shtetl being burned down, don’t you think?

3) Universalism

Essentially, all religions are (to a certain extent, some more than others), universalist, allowing anybody to convert to or become a member of that religion, with the two most successful religions in the world today (Christianity and Islam, respectively) being the most active in seeking out conversions.

Similarly, the left is under the impression that the best Americans/Canadians/Europeans are those that are born outside America/Canada/Europe, and that they’ll instantly become just as good (if not better) than the already extant population due to the “magic dirt” of the host nation. And much like missionaries, they’ll go out and “convert” (ie: pull strings to get them into their new countries) new recruits as well.

4) A One-Trick Solution for Everything

Religious people have prayer, leftists have money; both are seen as a magical thing that can solve anything if you throw enough of it at the problem. Anthropologists have a term for this—“magical thinking

On the same track as “magical thinking”, and to abandon talk of mainstream religions in exchange for folk religions, talk of “institutional racism” and “invisible knapsacks” bear a remarkable similarity to animist religion and witch doctor practices.

5) Pray the gay/misogyny away!

Religious people are often criticized for attempting to “cure” homosexuality, and rightfully so—regardless of whether or not homosexuality is entirely nature or nurture (studies suggest it’s a combination of the two), the methods that are used to “cure” it are simply nonsensical.

With that being said, an equal amount of ire should be given to feminists attempting to “reimagine beauty standards“, for the same reason: you can’t force somebody to be attracted to what they “should” be attracted to. Whether it’s a homosexual being attracted to his own sex, a heterosexual man being attracted to whatever type of women he’s attracted, or straight men having the audacity to not want to sleep with transgenders, they are all “born that way”.

(And at least the “pray the gay away” people don’t try to force homosexuals to become attracted to THEM. In contrast, notice that almost every woman who writes about changing beauty standards “coincidentally” wants the standards to be changed in a way that would make THEM be considered more attractive).

And last but *Certainly* not least:

6) Sexual misconduct

Well that just goes without saying.

So there you have it folks: 6 very glaring similarities between modern progressive “good think” and the more cloddish forms of organized religion,