March 2018

Listen to Me on Hapa Supremacy!

Once again I have participated in a livestream—bigger and better than ever before! I joined Shaine and Nicolette of Hapa Supremacy (as well as Forgotten Nationalist, Unapologetic Canadian, my good […]

The Case for Cobra Kai

If you’re anything like me (and chances are that you are if you’re reading my website), you probably grew up watching many an action movie, martial arts movie, stock 80s […]

Moviebob: The Audiobook!

If you’ll recall, 2 years ago I wrote a review of Bob “Moviebob” Chipman’s book Super Mario Brothers 3: Brick By Brick, in which he discusses how his life has for the […]

How To Get Charisma (ROK)

I have a new article on Return of Kings, discussing that mysterious thing known as charisma, and how you can get some of it: We’ve all heard the term “charisma” […]

Vince Kelvin: Worst PUA Ever?

On today’s episode of Pick Up Assholes, we profile Vince Kelvin, a disconcertingly short 50-something who willingly chooses to dress like he fights Mike Haggar on the streets of Metro […]