Gender Fluidity Disproves Itself (ROK)

I have a new, science themed article on Return of Kings about how all the stuff we’re supposed to believe about gender fluidity and the malleability of sex roles are, in fact, disproved by the very act of changing one’s sex:

On a personal level, I really could not care less—if you want to shred your penis and/or put a fake penis between your legs, dress up like the opposite sex and pump hormones into yourself, that is your right, and I wish you the best. However, as a man of science, I cannot abide by the skewing and fudging of data to serve any sort of ideological purpose, which is certainly what goes on with regards to our trans friends…

…Instead, we can discuss how the core tenet of transgenderism is essentially undone by itself. What I mean by this is, those who advocate sex changes essentially advocate that there’s no real difference between the sexes—that gender is fluid and malleable in other words, and to think that gender is a mere binary is just idiotic troglodyte thinking. Indeed, as I have discussed in my Manthropology videos, this is a foundational pillar of modernity in and of itself.

So how does that contradict itself? Because, jokes about “identifying as (x) gender” aside, the only way one can actually transition from one gender to another is with the magic of hormone injections—liquified masculinity and femininity, to put it colloquially. As most of us will recall from Biology 101, the presence of testosterone or estrogen in the body will hormonally signal for various other parts of the body to develop what are known as the secondary sexual characteristics—increased muscle mass, height, and body hair for men, and breast tissue, increased body fat in strategic areas (breasts, hips, buttocks), and lesser muscle mass for women, to name just a few.

You can read the article here