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So I made a new video in which I give an insider’s perspective on why Asian men are so sexually frustrated…and it may or may not turn into a sales pitch for my book halfway through. Anyway, let’s all cross our fingers and hope that this will anger mainstream Asian-America and thus make me a rich man through the magic of memetics.

Or, y’know, you can let pimply white beta males and lardass Neo-Nazis continue to ravish your women. Do you want that? I didn’t think so.

Also, stay tuned for a delightful satirical bit at the end.

Completely unrelated, here’s a few more good reviews for my book!

“4/5 stars”–Joe Bovino

“I’m happy to give it my stamp of approval… his focus is on helping the reader transform themselves from the beta male Asian stereotype – a stereotype which used to describe him – into the iconic Asian samurai/martial artist/steppe raider from history…Sure, The Oriental’s Guide is just a book that’ll help you get laid.  But it’s also a book that’ll siphon off some of the troops fighting on the side of degeneration and chaos, and pull them onto the side of righteousness. —Davis Aurini 

In Larsen Halleck’s book, The Oriental’s Guide to Sex, Strength, and Satisfaction, the reader is given a roadmap on how to break out of these stereotypes. Moreover, it will help Asian men avoid following into the SJW “Woe is me” pity party. The book is more than just sex and dating. But the cheeky bastard I am, it’s all I can think about when I see sex in the title. So when I did this interview with Larsen, most of the questions focused on sex and relationships from an Asian man’s point of view.Seth Rose 

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