Listen to Me on Hapa Supremacy!

Once again I have participated in a livestream—bigger and better than ever before!

I joined Shaine and Nicolette of Hapa Supremacy (as well as Forgotten Nationalist, Unapologetic Canadian, my good friend Pilleater, and a bunch of other people including DlM16742799 and his absolutely adorable infant daughter) for a livestream on various topics that pertain to us mixed race people. Naturally, I took a few opportunities to hock my book (and seriously why haven’t you bought it yet?), but there was certainly much more to talk about then JUST that.

While I’m still not entirely sold on the idea of an actual “ethnostate” for what is, by definition, not an actual ethnicity, I’m also not so autistic that I don’t understand it’s more of a thought exercise in the way that the autistic right talks about the white ethnostate. Nonetheless, I felt it was a very productive livestream—and it just reaffirms that, contrary to what some would have us believe, most of the hapa persuasion are not the stereotypical self-pitying, self-loathing, sniveling faggots that the internet claims they are, but are more or less well-adjusted and functioning adults, no matter what their specific white/Asian background happens to be.

All in all, I was very pleased with what I saw in this, and thus I’d highly recommend giving this livestream a listen.

If you’re interested in doing so, you can view the rest of Shaine and Nicolette’s videos here

You can check out Shaine’s twitter here and Nicolette’s here

You can give our two heroes some money here

And while you’re watching videos, you can of course give my own videos a few looks as well.

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