On Iron

Hey look kids, it’s another Larsen Halleck original poem, originally published on Atop the Cliffs and now reposted here for your edification: On Iron by Larsen Halleck

Then-I strained myself again and again.
Burdens lifted, jeers of women, punches thrown, mockery of men
Eyes  full of sweat and hatred, an endless journey for an impossible goal.
The celluloid titans of my infancy, they I could only dream to equal
Hours spent in the agony and the ecstasy.
I fought to master the iron, and to master me.
Flesh now stronger than iron, with all my heaves, strikes, and groans
My eyes were on the horizon, my feet longed to trample the world’s thrones
Now-my labors have born and reborn glorious fruit
The voluptuous feminine beckons me, men run without taking root
The fury remains, progress to be made, though my initial goals are met
I look upon myself and see, heroes I’ve surpassed, others not yet
The iron breaches the heavens, but my toil is never done
If the horde breaches the gates, I fall, but living my last as a lion
I will toil for decades more, as will others, each victory is  small
But in this we all learned the old saw: iron is the master of them all

(See what I did there with the Kipling allusion at the end?)

To give some context to why I wrote this: I got tired of people asking me why I dedicate so much of my life to physical fitness, and I wrote this poem in an attempt to succinctly explain. I think I did a halfway decent job of it.

As always, be sure to check out the rest of the poems and other work on Atop the Cliffs, and certainly continue to support the artwork of the dissident right.