How To Do One-Hand Pushups: The Video!

My new video is admittedly a retread of an old ROK article…but whatever. Next week I have a nice long one for you. Also of note is that I found a 90s sitcom “Wooooooo!” sound effect and use it in this video—and you can bet your ass I’ll be using it a lot more in the future.

The one handed pushup is an exercise that many are familiar with, but only within the confines of television and movies. Whether it be Bruce Lee or Rocky Balboa, millions of boys and young men have seen this nigh-superhuman feat and sought to perform it…only for their efforts to result in sore shoulders, popping elbows, and other maladies (one result they will certainly not achieve is the successful completion of a one-armed pushup). Simply put, I doubt there is any person in the world who can do a one-handed pushup on their first try, for the simple fact that almost nobody is taught how. This article will start you upon the admittedly difficult road to this seemingly impossible feat.

Bear in mind that in all calisthenics you should do them relatively slowly and controlled, with proper form  being upheld. And for pushups specifically, you lower yourself until your nose or chin (whichever you prefer) touches the ground (hence why you do them gently).

The first pushup, which most of you will likely not need to do (but I include for the sake of completion) is the knee pushup. Get on your hands and knees and slide your legs back until you feet and shins are off the ground, and you are only resting on your knees. Using the knees as a pivot, do a pushup. Once you can 10 of these, move on to the next step…

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