Men Who Hate American Women Are Losers

In my new article for Return of Kings, I discuss how the hysterical hatred of “Ameriskanks” in the manosphere, while it may have a few good points, is largely the reaction of a bunch of angry losers.

I’m certainly not going to say that there are no problems with American women—god no! Undoubtedly, there are many problems—the unrealistic expectations and entitlements many of them have in the dating market, the way that American culture goes out of its way to encourage women to make themselves look as ugly as possible, etc.

But as I have previously said, I feel that some of the dissident right’s concerns with this benighted set of womanhood are somewhat exaggerated. Most of the women I have dated were either born in the US or lived here for many years, and I have never once had an American girl in my life that was the stereotypical “the kitchen is a prison!11” feminist hag. Quite the contrary, the majority of women I have had in my life have explicitly told me that they enjoy cooking for and satisfying the man in their life both sexually and otherwise.

In fact, I’ll go a step further—if the woman you’re currently seeing has such a hysterical reaction and adamantly refuses to bake you cookies or whatever, maybe *you’re* the problem.

“But the women in Russia/Brazil/Thailand/wherever are more likely to cook for me! Their culture hasn’t been corrupted by feminism!!” you’re probably saying to yourself. And I’m sure to some extent that’s true, but again, if you’re the sort of person that goes around saying “all women are like ‘that’, all women are like ‘that” with regards to female “hypergamy” and “lusting after Chad” and all the other incomprehensible dorky codewords that keyboard alpha males do then shouldn’t it also follow, logically, that most women are also “like that” when it comes to wanting to submit to a strong yet gentle patriarchy—if you can provide it?

You can read it here