Should You Get Cut For Summer? (ROK)

In my new Return of Kings article, I discuss the process of cutting the fat for summer, and whether or not you should in fact get extremely lean and cut.

Plus, pictures of myself with a single digit body fat percentage for the ladies reading…

Oh, who am I kidding, it’s going to be creepy beta incel boys slathering over my Chadly physique.


Summer is rapidly approaching, which means that we’re going to all be wearing progressively lighter and more revealing clothing—which can of course be a blessing or a curse for your game, depending on your body composition. Of course, if you’ve read my regular workout articles, you should have at this point built up a fair degree of muscle, lost some weight, and developed a mighty fine degree of flexibility, all of which will certainly make you more attractive to the fair sex.

But some want to take it a step further—to not only make themselves strong and functional men, but to trim the body fat to such a degree that every single vein and muscle is defined, in the way that a rough diamond is cut and polished to a radiant luster.

Having, in fact, gotten down to a single digit body fat percentage for the first time in my life recently (9.1% to be precise), I have written this article to tell you how to do so, and whether or not, in fact, you even should do so.

…If you understand this concept [of eating to save money], combined with what foods are healthy and what foods are not healthy, I guarantee that you will not only lose weight, but you’ll lose weight without even realizing you lose weight. By far, this is the most important concept you have to understand for this diet to work,

I’ll go out on a limb here and say that, for general purposes of health and well-being, you do not need to spend more than 200 dollars a month on groceries, and every cent of that 200 dollars can be put into good, healthy, nourishing food.

You can read the rest of the article here