Rape Fantasies: The Video!

I have a new video version of my old rape fantasy video:

The reason I point all of this out is that, clearly, women—or at the very least a small subset of women—luuuuurve them some violent sexual fantasies. The question is: why exactly is this the case? And more importantly, how can you use these fantasies in a law abiding manner to your sexual advantage?

Researchers at the University of North Texas asked 355 undergraduates of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds whether they had had various types of rape fantasies of both heterosexual and homosexual variants, and two-thirds of women had at least occasional fantasies of being violated against their will.

Needless to say, I nor any of my neo-masculine peers—despite allegations of the contrary—advocate the actual forced violation of a woman, nor do most men period, so it’s not likely a woman who uses common sense and avoids shady and/or violent men will get raped. Thus the old theory that the fantasies were merely sublimated desires to actually be raped that men would act upon is likely not true.

In researching this issue, two explanations in particular seem to be quite prevalent in the various studies I read for this article; one being that rape fantasies tap into a woman’s desire to avoid sexual blame, and the other that women enjoy being an object of desire by men.

The former essentially states that women are “shamed” for feeling sexual desire and fantasizing about sex, thus they sublimate that patriarchal guilt into fantasies of being “forced” into it, thus allowing them to fantasize about getting plowed without feeling like a slut for “wanting” it.

While there may have been some truth to this as late as the 90s (what else were those trashy supermarket romance novels with Fabio on the cover targeting?), I highly doubt this is the case nowadays. If the 21st century is anything, it is not, in the West, at least, a century that oppresses women’s right to their sexuality. In fact, they’re pretty clearly flaunting it.

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