White Dragon Kung Fu (Kung…Fail?)

At the request of a fan, I reviewed a San Diego based martial arts school and found it..not completely terrible.

But, as I am always on the lookout for a lead, I downloaded…eh, about half an hour of videos from these schools, both the one in San Diego and the one in Claremont, totally at random, to get an unbiased look at the schools. Let’s take a look!

Okay, they’re right next to a shoe store. Unless White Dragon sells kung fu shoes I’m gonna put a check on the BS-o-meter to begin with. Also, I have more subscribers than both schools combined.

Uh…We get a bunch of dorks standing around being living statues. It’s mildly cool…okay, it’s really not. But why the hell are they doing this? It’s not like it’s a time lapse or anything, this video’s like a minute. White Dragon Kung Fu, with the awe inspiring discipline of…being able to stand still for 60 whole seconds!!1

Also, that girl really, really, REALLY looks like she doesn’t want to be doing this.

Following that, we get this Suicide Squad cosplay. The sword taolu is cool, but….y’know, suicide squad.  But why would anybody want to watch a decent looking chick doing a sword form? Hell, take the mask off, and half of the alt-right would be creaming their Hugo Boss pants over muh lotus blossom.

First of all, that’s a butterfly sword, not a butterfly knife or (hudie shuangdao) for those of you who speak mandarian or want to be a pompous douchebag. Secondly, that’s fucking wood. I understand if you’re going to be sparring with them, but as I don’t see any sparring I’ll just assume this is an elaborate Larp session. Hey we’ve already seen them cosplay!

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