The Occultic World of Gary Brodsky (PUAHoles)

You got your magick in my pickup artistry! You got your pickup artistry in my magick! All this and secret CIA seduction techniques, presented by everyone’s favorite Rodney Dangerfield look alike, Gary Brodsky

Gary Brodsky is a former comic book publisher, current hocker of exotic oils and current dadbod owner who, in addition to looking disturbingly like a steroided up Rodney Dangerfield, has also written a book and done videos on the state of modern masculinity. The videos are not particularly good, so naturally we’re going to look at them anyway. But not before we look at the CIA Psy-Op Manual for Seducing Women!

For those of us who were covert operatives, developing our skills and ability to successfully seduce women was not for the purpose of filling a social calendar or impressing our friends. Each technique and predetermined move was a learned and practiced crucial tactic because our lives depended on its success or failure.
The information in this book is not contrived. The data I have compiled is gathered from every intelligence agency worldwide. The application of these seduction techniques have all been and are routinely studied, researched, tested and updated to remain continuously current.

(I cannot begin to tell you how much of this is a lie).

Why, you may ask, would a Black Op, Psy-Op, CIA op or any other covert operative need to be an expert at seduction? I’ll tell you why.
It’s obvious that in every battle the sole objective of the soldier is to win.
The Government’s expense of sending in troops to accomplish an objective is costly in both materials and lives. Often much can be accomplished by creating situations and chaos from within. Military undercover operatives get well paid to accomplish this job. Covert operatives know they put themselves in extremely dangerous situations, circumstances that if discovered can cause loss of life in a heartbeat; loss of their own lives. To this end, covert operatives are extremely well compensated. To the military, covert operatives are vital assets because they know how to successfully play the game of chance. It is these successful operatives that are found on the front lines of danger, can manipulate any and all situations to the advantage of the military’s objective, can stay alive, and therefore continue to accept new assignments. They are as a result, one of the most valued assets of the government. As you can imagine, many millions of dollars were and continue to be invested by the military in the training of these operatives because their training has to work!

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