Elena Petrova: PUA…Okay!

Adding another name to the…esteemed (?) hall of PUAs that are not entirely crappy—Russia’s own Elena Petrova!

Well, [a female PUA]… this is a first. Meet Elena Petrova. And she writes for the Good Men Project, so you know she’s good. After all, anybody who advocates for teching men how to better their chances with women is a sexual predator according to the media, and Good Men Project founder Hugo Schwyzer was a prolific sexual predator! It’s practically a PUA guidebook! </sarcasm>

But at the very least she has written articles denouncing PPL scams, so that’s cool.

As you might imagine from her name, Gaspadina Petrova is from Russia.  And as such her writing is about hooking up with the daughters fo the Steppe, which is great for those “HEHEHHEH MUH UNTOUCHED BY FEMINISM SLAVIC GODDESSES HONK” clods.

She herself is married to a Western Man…if one can consider Australia “the west”.

JUST KIDDING I KNOW IT IS, I would certainly never want to anger the brave veterans of the Emu War. But yes, she knows of Russian brides from personal experience of being one.

She actually gives a fair amount of truth in the former, discussing how, yes, SOME women are just looking for green cards but some are okay, and you’re not going to get “muh virginal goddess foreign woman” necessarily. Again, nothing quite bad here.

She goes on to explain that when you do meet a new person, don’t bring up your ex and spew your emotional flotsam everywhere, and just have a regular old conversation. Dress well, and so forth.

I can’t really say anything bad about this. While I’m against the idea that you can’t find a good woman in the west…this is all solid, good advice for those who WOULD want to date an Eastern European woman….

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