How To Slay Hot Girls on Tinder: A Review

So a few weeks ago, The Godfather of Game sent me a free copy of his book How to Slay Hot Girls on Tinder as a review copy. Always excited to get free shit, I eagerly accepted.

I will admit I wasn’t particularly enthused—I’ve never had any success on Tinder in the past (in contrast I have utilized other online dating apps such as OKCupid and Plenty of Fish very successfully), so l was a bit dubious of the idea that this book would enable me to be any more successful with Tinder than I was before.

However, in setting up a Tinder account to test out the theories contained with the book, I did notice that I got a greater number of responses than I did 4 years ago (the last time I ever used Tinder). And while I still didn’t get laid from Tinder (while meeting and getting in bed with 3 women off OKCupid during the same month I did this experiment), that’s largely due to my lack of patience with endless swiping. While my opinion on Tinder (namely: that it sucks) hasn’t changed, I will say that if you are willing to endure the extremely low return on investment that is inherent to Tinder (and which Godfather himself admits to), you might get something out of this. In other words, this book makes the best out of the bad situation that is Tinder, and could very easily be transmuted to other, less shitty online dating services. Beyond that, the book is much better written than most pick up books, and is eminently and easily readable.

In the prologue he agrees with me that “game is game”, and if you don’t have it in real life, you won’t have it on the internet. And much like in real life, the majority of men don’t get anything off Tinder. Thus, before you can use Tinder effectively, you need to develop the passive “bread and butter” stuff that makes up 90% of the Game: get in shape, dress well, etc, as well as the psychological mindset to use Tinder effectively:

The key to remember with that is A) Don’t get oneitis, and understand that Tinder is a meat market And B) If you set your profile to be sexually seductive, once she swipes you, she has already put you in the sexual “box”. Thus you have to create a profile that attracts women to you for cheap sex. This is as literal a depiction of the sexual market as you can get.

From here, a substantial part of the book pertains to setting up your profile in a way that will attract women—

Obviously you want your profile to say “I AM AN ALPHA MALE WHO GETS WOMEN ALL THE TIME AND IS WORTHY OF THEM”. You have two tools that work together to convey this—your pictures and your bio.

Despite what women claim, they (or at least the ones trawling Tinder) want the guy with abs selfying himself in the mirror, so once you have obtained a decent set of abdominal muscles, go take that picture.

But that’s not what you open with. According to Godfather, the first picture should be of you in spiffy clothes (the idea is to intrigue her to WANT to see you disrobed), then the second is a shirtless selfie, and then a couple more clothed photos.

The pictures are the key, but he goes on to explain that a good bio can be the proverbial “cherry” on top, or perhaps the proverbial shit on top:

The key to writing a good bio for Tinder is to write down how hard you’ll bang a girl in a dominant BUT FUN way. That’s what women want in a man, dominance and fun. And mention your height as well if you have it.

An example of a working bio is to simply say something along the lines of “You know why we’re both here”—it conveys everything in the above paragraph.

And finally, once you start messaging the girl, you are advised to keep up the alpha male schtick, you can’t become a mumbling simp after you hooked her. What you catch them with is what you stick with.

Beyond that, the book has a few rules of thumb such as “your conversation with the girl from introduction to phone number should fit in one phone screenshot”, which I cannot disagree with per se.

While I still feel Tinder is a useless app, if you enjoy using it, or if you want to use other online dating apps, the book’s information is certainly not useless. Give it a read.

Buy it here