It’s Not “The Jews”, Moron (ROK)

Yes, sadly, we’ve all heard the news about how Return of Kings is going on hiatus due to a lack of revenue. Seeing as there’s a very good chance half of you people wouldn’t be reading this if it weren’t for them linking to me, I will eternally offer my thanks to Roosh and all my fellow writers.

And with that being said, let’s discuss what will likely be my last big ROK article (At least for the time being): An article about how, contra to what some idiots think, “Da Jooz” are not responsible for all of your problems.

Like I said above, there’s a long history of hatred between the two groups, and such a thing won’t go away overnight—especially when the cultural/political climate of the day actively encourages hatred and contempt for the “evil white man”. And if one can gain an advantage in suddenly becoming non-white, then why wouldn’t they take it? Hell, if white gentiles have stooped so low as to pretend to be some other race for the sake of getting ahead, why would you expect Jews not to?

While I am willing to criticize the actions of many individual Jews, and objectively analyze why those actions may cause some to become anti-semitic, I am not, and will never jump, on the “blame Jews for everything” train. In fact, as the title would imply, I write this article to implore you to stop blaming the Jews for everything. Because sometimes, you yourself are to blame.

“What do you mean?” you might be asking yourself—allow me to explain. In my not-so-humble opinion, the Jewish prevalence in “poz” is not the knife that’s stabbing the virtuous and noble “goyim” to death, but rather it’s the cherry on top of a goyish shit sundae…

You can read the rest here