In10se! (PUAHoles)

In my new edition of PUAHoles: Another protege of Ross Jeffries (just like those shitheels Derek Rake and David Riker), it’s in10se, AKA Blake Richards! Also known as Twotimer for those who read The Game

And yes, the thumbnail for the video is Mystery getting licked by some douche.

Just to clarify this is…probably not to be confused with the in10sity dance troupe. Nor is it to be confused with, uh, this guy who writes poetry. Obviously an MPUA doesn’t need to know how to dance or write or have any other skills, he just puts his shit on it and panties just spontaneously combust.

Holy dadbod, Batman! I sure hope the October man method works because he’s gonna need it.

…in10se states that he was macking on girls from the time he was in kindergarten. He also claims to have dated “the whole group” of girls in sixth grade, which makes me wonder why he even needs pick up artistry at all.

He is first introduced to proper pick up in 1988 when he hears a radio interview with…Ross Jeffries?!

Okay, I’m seriously going to do him at some point in the future, don’t you people worry.

[Huna] is a fake pseudo-religion that claims to be Polynesian polytheism but was in fact made up by a bunch of white people. 60s bullshit combines with 90s bullshit for the new millenium. We’re in good hands, people!

And they were talking about this technique called “lowme lowme.” That’s basically the “laying of hands,” and they talked about the three elements that were needed in this practice of healing. And both parties had to be doing it, not just the healer, but the person who was being healed. Both participate in this mutual kind-of trance, as it were, where you needed to have three elements, the first one being touch, where there’s actual massage and laying on of hands. The second element was verbal suggestion, where along with the touch came the verbal suggestions, and people were doing this back… hundreds of years ago. And then, the third element being visualization, where both people basically visualize the energy flowing between two people. So I kind-of used that as a guideline. And I thought “Well, what would happen if we used this, but we used it giving a WOMAN a massage?

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