PUAHoles Demand Bobs and Vegana

So it’s finally come to this. We’re doing a most unconventional episode of PUAHoles today, in which we discuss the delightful insanity of Indians on social media…and I realize there’s a potential 500 million buyers of my goddamn book.

It’s not quite pickup in the traditional sense, but considering that the entire subcontinent doesn’t seem to understand how to talk to women, I thought it was a message of vital importance that I had to convey to my wheatish brethren.

My gods this is one of the most embarrassing collections of sexual incompetence I have ever seen.

“How?” the ignorant person asks, “how can an entire subcontinent be cringeworthy sexually?” Let us descend the rabbit hole!

Well,  there are of course the mangled English pick-up lines, but hey, I can forgive them, it is not their native language after all. Eh, kind of, India has so many subdialects and languages that “mangled English”, Hinglish if you will, sort of is an official language.

To begin with, we can look at the stereotypical request they make to random white women on Facebook, which is of course to send bobs and vagene. That’s just the stereotypical request, mind you, the actual ones are much, much, creepier…I do of course understand the importance of bobs.

Those not familiar with the subcontinent are probably asking why Indian men act in such an embarrassing fashion around white women—if I had to guess, it all goes back to the caste system, which, as I discussed in my “Robert Howard is a better anthropologist than most anthropologists” video, was basically imposed on India from the top down by Indo-European, ie: white conquerors upon the darker skinned indigenes thousands of years ago. A few thousand years of being forced to see white people as better than them in all respects…well that kind of leaves an impact on you. And hey, if all you need to do to move up in the caste hierarchy is bang a white woman…why not go for it?

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