Ross Jeffries: The Video

Yes, it’s finally time: In which I look at the legendary Ross Jeffries, and his pick up extravagance. Does he live up to the hype that has been built up around him? Let’s find out.

One of the few PUAs who has his own wikipedia article, Paul Ross, better known by his pseudonym Ross Jeffries, is one of the earliest PUAs, pioneering the concept of Speed Seduction. He was also, ahem, immortalized in the film Magnolia; Tom Cruise’s character in that film was a caricature of him.

Before he got into the seduction game, he was a stand up comedian and paralegal. While I can’t really resent him for finding a profitable niche…I can resent him for being the mentor of Mystery (albeit indirectly), whom I have a long history with. He also had a bit of a legal tiff with another PUA Don Steele, who I may or may not profile someday, each man suing the other for libel and claiming the other was a fraud.

He is the progenitor of NLP and fractionation and all that crap I mock. And all for the low, low, price of 300 dollars a month!

Yes, people, you can spend several thousand dollars a year and have the seduction mastery of this guy who looks like a community college professor.

“When you deal with women, you may often find yourself in that type of [unfair] situation. They expect you to play by the rules, but they feel perfectly free to do whatever THEY want. For example, lots of women are more than happy to spend your money and time, and generally lead you on, letting you think you have a reward (sexual) coming. They talk about sex on the date, touch you a lot, and ACT very seductive. Then when you make a pass, they freak out and scream about what animals men are, how we’re only after one thing. Or they let you have it with that famous line “I’m just not attracted to you.” Maybe you find out that she was just using you as a social “spare tire” because her boyfriend was out of town for a few weeks and she didn’t want to sit at home alone and look at the four walls…

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