The Flogging Video

Excuse the delays, I had computer problems. As I ease back into the groove, I made a video version of my old flogging article, for the benefit of the less literarily skilled.

…So what is to be done about American prisons? Leftists will argue that America can totally just adopt a Scandinavian style prison where prisoners are basically treated like paying tenants at mid-level hotels. After all, we have enough money in America, and economics are literally the only thing that determine how a nation and its people function, right?

…I emphasize ethnic and racial homogeneity, as while too much homogeneity can be said to have its drawbacks (the devastation wrought upon pre-Columbian cultures via disease comes to mind), it does work wonders for social cohesion and forming “high trust societies”-simply put, a white prisoner is going to be much more trusting and cooperative towards a white guard than an authority and subordinate of two different races, and the same would go for any other race.

America is, of course, the most racially diverse nation on the planet, and it’s scarcely an exaggeration to say that the races in America are encouraged to be as tribal as possible, and this “rainbow coalition” is barely held together by hatred of white men. And while I would never refer to one group as being “superior” or “inferior” to another, it is a documented fact that different groups have different levels of time preference and theory of mind, and thus I would theorize that some groups may have difficulty in grasping concepts like “actions have consequences” or “social shaming”.

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