New on ROK: Keg Training

Do something useful with your college education: Learn how to workout with the humble alcohol barrel! It’s exactly what it sounds like: training with oddly shaped weighted objects rather than […]

Elena Petrova: PUA...Okay!

Adding another name to the…esteemed (?) hall of PUAs that are not entirely crappy—Russia’s own Elena Petrova! Well, [a female PUA]… this is a first. Meet Elena Petrova. And she […]

The Garden by HP Lovecraft

There’s an ancient, ancient garden that I see sometimes in dreams, Where the very Maytime sunlight plays and glows with spectral gleams; Where the gaudy-tinted blossoms seem to wither into […]

How To Throw A Hatchet

First things first: Is this the most useful skill in the world? Eh, probably not.  There are much more effective ranged weapons than throwing things, and quite frankly, if you […]

Robert Howard Is An Anthropologist

In this week’s “big” video, we return back to the Manthropology well, and discuss how old “Two Gun Bob’s” conception of human evolution (in particular social/cultural evolution, with a tip […]