Hello my fans. Yes, that says “hiatus”, you are not reading that wrong. Sadly I am in fact taking a hiatus from work, but not for any negative reasons. You […]

The Peter Wheat Video

A video on my article about the littlest death machine, Peter Wheat. Longtime readers of this website are probably well aware of the fact that despite being an egregiously masculine […]

Thoughts on Musical Penises

I’ll give you a second to guess what the hell “musical penises” refers to. And so… It’s a very music-centric week here on the Barbaric Gentleman! I’ve already given you […]

Larsen's 5 Hour Opus

In a further example of my nobly futile quest to prove I can do crappy pop music better than the people currently doing it, another opus I wrote in 5 […]

The Younger Transgender Case

Are you familiar with the history of medical ethics? If so, you’re probably well aware of the numerous cases of flagrant atrocities and misguided idiocy that have occurred over the […]